All posts by ys50

Dr. Jae Hwang Lee

Dr. Jae Hwang Lee is a research scientist since 2011. He received his Ph.D. in Physics at Iowa State University in 2006 and joined the Thomas group at MIT in 2007 as a postdoctoral researcher. His research interests focus on high-strain-rate mechanical characteristics of micro-/nanostructures using the laser induced projectile impact test (LIPIT) and active optical characteristics of photonic structures.

Dr. Ho Sun Lim

Dr. Ho Sun Lim came to MIT after receiving his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in Korea. His research focuses on a development of light-weight nanoarchitectures for application in photonic, mechanical and energy absorbing materials.

Dr. Guanquan Liang

Dr. Guanquan Liang’s research field is in photonics and optics, with interdisciplinary efforts extended to material science and condensed matter physics. He joined Prof. Thomas group since Oct. 2014 for PT-symmetry photonic systems. Prevoiusly he has successfully addressed several topics, including: Laser interference lithography for important photonic micostructures, Optical analog of topological insulators, and Tunable resonant modes based on photonic crystals.

Charlotte Stewart-Sloan

Charlotte came to MIT after receiving her B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. She is interested in polymer morphology and characterization.

Dr. Xueyan Feng

Dr. Xueyan Feng joined Thomas’ group in 2018. He is focused on Sub- and Supra-unit cell scale characterizations of block copolymer assemblies, including ordered morphology, defect, and grain boundary etc.

Dr. Pavel I. Galich

Dr. Pavel I. Galich is a postdoctoral research associate since 2018. His research interests include phononics, acoustic metamaterials, elastic instabilities, dielectric elastomers (DEs), magnetoreological elastomers (MREs), and mechanical properties of architectured soft materials.

Dr. Jinho Hyon

Dr. Jinho Hyon is a postdoctoral research associate since 2017. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry at Hanyang University in 2017 and joined the Thomas group as a postdoctoral researcher in 2017. His research interests focus on high rate deformation and energy absorption behavior of micro-/nanostructured materials from micro ballistic impact test using the laser induced projectile impact test (LIPIT).